miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014
El caserío de Icor, pese a ser pocas las viviendas y con carácter de austeridad, tiene un gran valor como muestra de una arquitectura rural conservada con gran pureza. Los elementos constructivos son materiales que ha aportado la propia naturaleza en el entorno del caserío: piedra, madera y barro.
La distribución de la vivienda suele coincidir con la parte habitacional en la planta baja y el granero en la planta alta, denotando el carácter agrícola del caserío. Licor ha estado habitado desde época aborigen hasta la actualidad, como atestiguan los yacimientos arqueológicos existentes en la zona, y los documentos históricos, como los repartos de tierras tras la conquista española.
The hamlet of Icor, although few homes with character of austerity, has great value as a sign of a rural architecture conserved with great purity. The constructive elements are materials provided by nature itself in the surroundings of the village: stone, wood and clay.
The distribution of the housing usually coincide with the part housing in the low plant and the barn in the high plant, denoting the agricultural character of the hamlet. Icor has been inhabited since aboriginal times until today, as witnessed by the archaeological sites in the area, and historical documents, as the deals of land after the Spanish conquest.
jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014
Navidad en las calles. Christmas at streets
Las luces y los villancicos invaden nuestras calles, huele a turrón y almendras tostadas y en cualquier rincón de la isla podemos encontrar parrandas que pasean su música por las calles entre el ir y venir de las compras navideñas. La Navidad también se vive en la calle, con multitud de actividades para toda la familia, eventos solidarios y mercadillos de artesanía y benéficos.
Lights and carols invade our streets, smells of nougat and toasted almonds in every corner of the island can be found partying who walk their music through the streets with the comings and goings of Christmas shopping. Christmas is also live on the street, with lots of activities for the whole family, solidarity events and handicraft markets and beneficial. events and handicraft markets and beneficial
miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014
La Villa de Arico. Arico Village
Villa de Arico is a farmhouse from the 17TH century which has the Hermitage of San Juan Bautista, built between 1590 and 1610, around which is an old town of singular interest. In addition to its streets, houses and Church, the villa also has some laundries in exceptional condition and a font that supplied water to all residents in the past. System construction of houses, include patios with stays at its around. "Chasnera" stone, extracted from the quarries of the municipality, is a basic constructive element. Under this architectural framework, in the adjacent ravines underlies the Aboriginal cave dwellings-shaped imprint, which is coupled with the existence of several springs of water. Arico obtains the title of Villa at the hands of King Alfonso XIII in 1916.
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